The Positive Habit - Bringing a Smile to Monday Mornings! 
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Do you practise the pygmallion effect - The Positive Habit Weekly Blog

"The difference between a flower girl and a lady is not the way she acts but in the way she is treated."

Eliza Doolittle - My Fair Lady

Dear *|FNAME|* 

You may be familiar with the psychological term, 'Pygmalion Effect.' The effect is named after the Greek myth of Pygmalion, a sculptor who fell in love with a statue he had carved which then came to life. If, metaphorically, love can turn stone into a soul what happens when we hold humans in the highest regard?

The psychologists Rosenthal and Jacobson used the basis of the myth to explore what happens when teachers have high expectations of their students. In an experiment in a Californian elementary school they demonstrated that high expectations lead to improved performance in a given area. The Pygmalion effect is a form of self-fulfilling prophecy. It confirms that how we see people matters! 

Our actions

lead to

Other people's beliefs about us 

leads to

Other's actions towards us

leads to

Our belief about ourselves 

leads to 

Our actions

So this week I beseech you to see the best in others, especially if you are a parent. Your perception of others has a huge impact on how they form their identity. Let's make this a positive one. 

Have a wonderful week and hope to see you on Wednesday's Instagram Live at 8.15 pm. This week's video explains the focus of the session. 

Lots of love & self-love,

Fiona. xxx

Send in your  issues for discussion on Instagram Live by Tuesday evening!

An Incredible Journey 

"This was simply an incredible journey and I can’t recommend doing this enough. I tell everyone I can that they should do Fiona’s program, I have let my doctor know about Fiona and her amazing work so he can in turn let his patients know about this amazing resource also.
Fiona is a beacon of light and she is so generous with sharing her work freely.
Honestly hand on heart helped me so much

Testimonials like the above drive me to reach and help as many people as I can. 

Uncertainty is causing an epidemic of anxiety, but I am determined to help as many people as I can to not just to survive but to flourish in an uncertain world. 

In order to do this, I also need your help.  

Please donate if you can - to help us cover the running costs. 


Share Your Subscription on Social Media when you register - your voice is hugely important to help your friends and family to also benefit from the course. 

*The course is FREE with the option to donate. Its duration is 8 weeks but there is an option to extend if needed.

I am really proud of all the work we are doing, so please do help us to help others. 
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Click on the links below to buy Fiona's Best-selling Books that have helped thousands of people feel more positive and loving!

Do you know someone who could do with a lift right now? Why not gift them one of my books?
Follow me on Instagram for a weekly Instagram Live therapy session every Weds @ 20, GMT

Warmest wishes, 

Fiona Brennan

Clinical Hypnotherapist

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