How to Mind You & Your Family & Relationships this Christmas with Allison Keating.


Building Emotional Resilience - Allison Keating - The Positive Habit

How to have a present, not ‘perfect’ Christmas

Imagine that this Christmas you feel authentically calm and content with your loved ones. Imagine a Christmas that is not perfect but honest, fun and full of love. Imagine not obsessing over the dinner, the tree, or the gifts but putting your attention on what deserves it most – your family. Imagine letting go of past grievances that block your ability to feel genuinely at ease and relaxed with your family.  

It is said that Christmas brings out the best and the worst in us. 

Is this true of yourself and/or of your family? 

Imagine, this year, consciously choosing to bring out the best in yourself. 

IT’S SUPPOSED TO be the “most wonderful time of the year”, but beneath the cliché, it’s common for the stresses and strains of family relationships to start to show. 

With adults often spending more time at home than they usually would, negative patterns of behaviour can arise if left unchecked. Concerns over alcohol consumption and disputes are common enough while many people who have held onto grudges and gripes from the year find they can come spilling out like the stuffing on Christmas day.

Emotional intelligence with regard to our relationships is a skill we need to cultivate all year round and in particular, when it comes to our family of origin, our parents, and our siblings.  In-Laws can also trigger many unnecessary territorial tensions.

It is unfortunate that many of us dread the festive season and feel immense pressure to make everything ‘perfect’.  

The time that is spent on the food, the presents, the decorations and the arrangements can zap our energy and leave us tired and wired.  A plethora of resentments can arise and as a fully functioning adult you can feel catapulted back to feeling like an anxious teenager.  As Ekhart Tolle once said,

“You think you are enlightened until you spend a week with your family.”

Despair not and rejoice for expert help is at hand! 

On this month’s Building Emotional Resilience webcast (right when you need it most, a few days before Christmas), I am really delighted to welcome Allison Keating, Relationship Expert, as my guest. 

Allison is  a well-known and respected Chartered Psychologist, columnist, and regular media contributor. In December 2006 Allison opened the bWell clinic which works extensively with anxiety and panic disorders, relationships, depression and cultivating good mental health. The ethos is to support the client therapeutically in a safe, evidence & strength based clinic with experienced empathetic therapists. In conjunction with her busy practice, she has been a regular Psychological Media contributor which has led to her being published in some of Ireland’s most popular publications and also given rise to a high-profile media career. Allison is the best-selling author of ‘The Secret Lives of Adults’ published by Gill Books. 

In this webinar we will be examining the following areas to help you truly create authentic and joyful family relationships this Christmas and to give your family the gift of unconditional love this year:

  • Understanding the secret life of your family dynamics 
  • What is unconditional love?
  • How to set healthy boundaries? 
  • How to give from a place that is full?
  • How to reframe past experiences 
  • How to forgive and let go 
  • How to know when to say no
  • How to offer yourself compassion so that you can give it to others
  • Practical mindful techniques to use if you feel triggered

How to have a present, not ‘perfect’ Christmas! 

Imagine that this Christmas you feel authentically calm and content with your loved ones. Imagine a Christmas that is not perfect but honest, fun and full of love. Imagine not obsessing over the dinner, the tree, or the gifts but putting your attention on what deserves it most – your family. Imagine letting go of past grievances that block your ability to feel genuinely at ease and relaxed with your family.  

It is said that Christmas brings out the best and the worst in us. 

Is this true of yourself and/or of your family? 

Imagine, this year, consciously choosing to bring out the best in yourself. 

IT’S SUPPOSED TO be the “most wonderful time of the year”, but beneath the cliché, it’s common for the stresses and strains of family relationships to start to show. 

With adults often spending more time at home than they usually would, negative patterns of behaviour can arise if left unchecked. Concerns over alcohol consumption and disputes are common enough while many people who have held onto grudges and gripes from the year find they can come spilling out like the stuffing on Christmas day.

Emotional intelligence with regard to our relationships is a skill we need to cultivate all year round and in particular, when it comes to our family of origin, our parents, and our siblings.  In-Laws can also trigger many unnecessary territorial tensions.

It is unfortunate that many of us dread the festive season and feel immense pressure to make everything ‘perfect’.  

The time that is spent on the food, the presents, the decorations and the arrangements can zap our energy and leave us tired and wired.  A plethora of resentments can arise and as a fully functioning adult you can feel catapulted back to feeling like an anxious teenager.  As Ekhart Tolle once said,

“You think you are enlightened until you spend a week with your family.”

Your donation is much appreciated. Please note the event has now finished but you can register to watch the playback.

The Positive Habit community is a safe and compassionate space where you can connect with others and learn that you are not alone. 

Best of all… 

The Building Emotional Resilience Webcast Series is offered to the public for *FREE. The Positive Habit team is on a mission to help as many people to sleep peacefully, release anxiety and feel powerful. Positive mental health needs to be freely available for everyone and not just those who can afford private consultations.  

*We greatly appreciate donations. If you are in a position to donate please do as your support helps us to continue to offer these life-changing webinars.


Previous Attendees Say

“My life and the way I appreciate things has changed forever. Thank you so much.”

“Had a few light bulb moments.”

“Thank you so much, Ryan, Fiona & the wonderful calm Ciaran for an amazing and thought-provoking webinar.”

“Thank you (yet again) for a wonderful session. Wonderful words. Every day is a school day.”

“Incredibly helpful.”

“Wonderful and worthwhile!”

“Fantastic will definitely rewatch this – very useful.”

“Thanks so much for the chance to watch this back-it’s helped me so v.much -I can’t express just how v.much appreciated this is/how grateful I am.”

Your donation is much appreciated. Please note the event has now finished but you can register to watch the playback.
