Dermot Whelan: Mind Your Sleep!

Jim Lucey and Paul Roe - Building Emotional Resilience

Many of you will know Dermot from his brilliant broadcasting career and in particular the ‘Dermot and Dave show’ where he had the nation laughing for years and also brought mindfulness to thousands of listeners. 

Dermot is now running his own successful business, Mind Full, as an in-demand speaker and meditation teacher.  His new podcast, (with the same name as his business and best-selling book) Mind Full launches on March 4th.  I for one shall be an avid listener.

Dermot has been on a journey with anxiety and as a result, has suffered sleep issues. Sleep and anxiety do not make good bed-fellows as Dermot can testify to…  

“12 years ago, I was struggling. On the outside, everything looked fantastic. I had my own TV show, a hit radio show and my stand-up comedy career was taking off. On the inside, it was very different! I was anxious, stressed, not sleeping properly and lacking in self-esteem and self-belief. The only coping mechanism I had been taught to handle stress was alcohol so I was tucking into the pints to find comfort but that wasn’t really working. One panic attack and a drunken fall later, I knew something had to change. I had heard about meditation and decided to give it a shot.

I never looked back!”

Discover Dermot’s Journey to Sleeping Well.

“Sleep is a serious issue that needs to be taken lightly.”

Join Fiona Brennan in conversation with special guest, Demot Whelan.

How does Dermot Whelan manage to make everything funny?! Dermot’s skill at combining meditation and humour has transformed the lives of thousands of people all over the world.  Dermot has now turned his wit to that elixir of health – sleep in the hilarious foreword he penned for Fiona’s forthcoming book:

‘Sleep Well, 8 Habits to Fall Asleep, Stay Asleep and Wake Up Refreshed.’

Fiona is thrilled to have her faithful friend and fellow wellness expert, Dermot Whelan as March’s Building Emotional Resilience webinar guest.

🗓️ Date: Tuesday 12th March 2024

⏰ Time: GMT 

📍 Where: Online, Zoom Webinar link will be sent


🎯 In this interactive and informative webinar, Fiona and Dermot will explore::

🔹 The relationship between sleep and anxiety:

When you are feeling anxious, sleep can be elusive and when your sleep is disrupted you will feel emotionally on edge. It can feel like a vicious circle that goes round and round. 

The good news is that when you begin to take control of your sleep your anxiety reduces and when your anxiety reduces you begin to sleep well. 

🔹  How to Mind Your Sleep: The connection between meditation and sleep. Why practising mindfulness and rest is the doorway to a solid night’s sleep. 

🔹 What is somniphobia?: Why do many people dread going to bed with the fear of waking up at 3 am and not being able to get back to sleep? 

🔹 The benefits of sleep for emotional regulation and resilience: The essential role of REM sleep for emotional balance and ways to ensure you optimise your sleep to process emotions – nature’s free therapy – night after night.

🔹 Why self-compassion is crucial to a healthy mindset for sleep: The art of being kind to yourself helps you to fall asleep and make the transition back to sleep if you do wake up. 

🔹 Mindfulness tools that help you to get to sleep and stay asleep: Dermot has a rich toolbox full of mindfulness techniques to help you to unwind your mind and welcome sleep and he will share some of these with us this evening.

You will need a pen and paper and a full sixty minutes to devote to yourself.

Reserve your spot now and unlock the keys to your best-slept self ! 

Many of you will know Dermot from his brilliant broadcasting career and in particular the ‘Dermot and Dave show’ where he had the nation laughing for years and also brought mindfulness to thousands of listeners. 

Dermot is now running his own successful business, Mind Full, as an in-demand speaker and meditation teacher.  His new podcast, (with the same name as his business and best-selling book) Mind Full launches on March 4th.  I for one shall be an avid listener.

Dermot has been on a journey with anxiety and as a result, has suffered sleep issues. Sleep and anxiety do not make good bed-fellows as Dermot can testify to…  

“12 years ago, I was struggling. On the outside, everything looked fantastic. I had my own TV show, a hit radio show and my stand-up comedy career was taking off. On the inside, it was very different! I was anxious, stressed, not sleeping properly and lacking in self-esteem and self-belief. The only coping mechanism I had been taught to handle stress was alcohol so I was tucking into the pints to find comfort but that wasn’t really working. One panic attack and a drunken fall later, I knew something had to change. I had heard about meditation and decided to give it a shot.

I never looked back!”

*Support us! We greatly appreciate donations. If you are able to donate, please do so as this helps us to continue to offer these life-changing webinars. 

Discover Dermot’s Journey to Sleeping Well.

“Sleep is a serious issue that needs to be taken lightly.”

Join Fiona Brennan in conversation with special guest, Demot Whelan.

How does Dermot Whelan manage to make everything funny?! Dermot’s skill at combining meditation and humour has transformed the lives of thousands of people all over the world.  Dermot has now turned his wit to that elixir of health – sleep in the hilarious foreword he penned for Fiona’s forthcoming book:

‘Sleep Well, 8 Habits to Fall Asleep, Stay Asleep and Wake Up Refreshed.’

Fiona is thrilled to have her faithful friend and fellow wellness expert, Dermot Whelan as March’s Building Emotional Resilience webinar guest.

🗓️ Date: Tuesday 12th March 2024

⏰ Time: GMT 

📍 Where: Online, Zoom Webinar link will be sent

🎯 In this interactive and informative webinar, Fiona and Dermot will explore::

🔹 The relationship between sleep and anxiety:

When you are feeling anxious, sleep can be elusive and when your sleep is disrupted you will feel emotionally on edge. It can feel like a vicious circle that goes round and round. 

The good news is that when you begin to take control of your sleep your anxiety reduces and when your anxiety reduces you begin to sleep well. 

🔹  How to Mind Your Sleep: The connection between meditation and sleep. Why practising mindfulness and rest is the doorway to a solid night’s sleep. 

🔹 What is somniphobia?: Why do many people dread going to bed with the fear of waking up at 3 am and not being able to get back to sleep? 

🔹 The benefits of sleep for emotional regulation and resilience: The essential role of REM sleep for emotional balance and ways to ensure you optimise your sleep to process emotions – nature’s free therapy – night after night.

🔹 Why self-compassion is crucial to a healthy mindset for sleep: The art of being kind to yourself helps you to fall asleep and make the transition back to sleep if you do wake up. 

🔹 Mindfulness tools that help you to get to sleep and stay asleep: Dermot has a rich toolbox full of mindfulness techniques to help you to unwind your mind and welcome sleep and he will share some of these with us this evening.

You will need a pen and paper and a full sixty minutes to devote to yourself.

Reserve your spot now and unlock the keys to your best-slept self ! 

*Support us! We greatly appreciate donations. If you are able to donate, please do so as this helps us to continue to offer these life-changing webinars. 

The Positive Habit community is a safe and compassionate space where you can connect with others and learn that you are not alone. 

Best of all… 

The Building Emotional Resilience Webcast Series is offered to the public for *FREE. The Positive Habit team is on a mission to help as many people to sleep well, release anxiety and feel powerful. 

*Support us! We greatly appreciate donations. If you are in a position to donate please do as as this helps us to continue to offer these life-changing webinars.


Previous Attendees Say

“My life and the way I appreciate things has changed forever. Thank you so much.”

“Had a few light bulb moments.”

“Thank you so much, Ryan, Fiona & the wonderful calm Ciaran for an amazing and thought-provoking webinar.”

“Thank you (yet again) for a wonderful session. Wonderful words. Every day is a school day.”

“Incredibly helpful.”

“Wonderful and worthwhile!”

“Fantastic will definitely rewatch this – very useful.”

“Thanks so much for the chance to watch this back-it’s helped me so v.much -I can’t express just how v.much appreciated this is/how grateful I am.”

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