Welcome to the Fear of Public Speaking Quiz

Please answer Yes or No to the following questions. Do not spend time considering each question, just use your first reaction to answer.

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Do you dread giving a presentation, delivering a pitch, contributing at meetings?

Do you try to avoid social occasions where there may be people you don't know?

Do you compare your public speaking skills to others and wish you felt as confident as they appear to be?

Is the fear of public speaking blocking your ability to advance in your career?

Do you judge yourself harshly for being nervous in public speaking situations?

Do you feel overly self-conscious when speaking in public?

Do you stutter/freeze/have a shaky voice/trembling hands/red face when you speak in public?

Does fear of public speaking affect your sleep for the days and even weeks before an event?

Does fear of public speaking affect your overall confidence and self-esteem?

Do you fear that you will never be able to become a confident public speaker?