Sometimes it is the simplest of things that can remind us of the fragility of life. Recently I was in a beautiful and tranquil forest in Wexford. The weather hadn’t quite turned warm yet however the trees in the forest had begun to change and the softest green, new leaves had begun to grow. Yet some of these leaves were beginning to wither before they had fully developed; they were waiting for Mother Nature to bring warmer weather before they fully committed to the incipient spring. It struck me as a reminder to us all that life is fragile and that we owe it to ourselves to be gentle with ourselves. Rest assured, Mother Nature will provide us with all that we need if we trust ourselves.
This week, please use the gift of awareness as your ally at all times. Remain open to each and every precious moment of your existence with the knowledge that there is great strength in even the most fragile of things. I am sure those leaves are now in full blossom!