The Positive Habit

Mindset Coach – Ciaran Hyde

Elevate Your Life – Transform Negative Thoughts Into Positive Actions 

Do you feel stuck in your life right now?

Find it hard to maintain positive lifestyle habits? 

Unclear of a way forward?

Spend more time ruminating on the past or fretting about the future than enjoying your life now?

If so, I can help, I have been there and I understand.

As Your Personal Positive Habit Coach I Specialize in

Mindfulness, above all, helps you to move from reacting/overreacting to responding to situations, people and challenges with a calm and measured approach.


This includes the following areas: 


Cultivating Calmness and Patience: Uncover a serene mindset to navigate life’s challenges effortlessly.

Discover Your Motivation: Ignite the spark within and unlock your true potential.

Craft and Sustain Healthy Lifestyle Habits: Achieve a balanced and vibrant life that radiates wellness.

Embrace the Present Moment: Break free from distractions and savour the beauty of now.

Decisive Decision-Making: Sharpen your decision-making skills for a more decisive and fulfilling journey.

Crystal Clear Life Vision: Gain clarity on your goals, paving the way for a purpose-driven life.

Enhance Self-Awareness: Deepen your understanding of self, fostering personal growth.

Confidence, Inside Out: Cultivate inner and outer confidence for a powerful, authentic presence.

Unwavering Self-Worth: Feel worthy and deserving of all the success and joy life has to offer.

Emotional Resilience Mastery: Navigate life’s storms with grace, emerging stronger and wiser.

Authentic Communication: Connect with others authentically, building harmonious relationships.

Purposeful Living: Uncover your life’s purpose and live with passion and fulfilment.

Hope for the Future: Approach the future with optimism and unwavering faith in yourself.

Self-Compassion Journey: Embrace self-compassion as a key to personal growth and success.

Pressure-Free Success: Achieve success without the weight of unnecessary pressure.

Acceptance and Equanimity: Navigate external challenges with a calm and accepting mindset.

Equality in Relationships: Feel equal and valued in all your relationships.

Know Your True Worth: Recognize and embrace your inherent worth and uniqueness.

Courage for Positive Change: Find the courage within to make positive, life-altering transformations.

Emotional Regulation Mastery: Effectively express and regulate emotions for a balanced life.


“My approach is holistic and focuses on the whole person, not just one aspect of your life. It aims to help you achieve balance, harmony, and well-being in all areas of your life, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental.

I will help your personal development so that you can achieve your goals and fulfil your potential.  Together we will tailor a clear strategy to increase your confidence and motivation.  Once you have developed a more optimistic outlook you will create and sustain both positive emotional and lifestyle habits.  

I will help you take better care of yourself, especially in times of stress, challenge, or change. You will establish the clarity you need to make the decisions that serve you and your loved ones best. When your emotions are regulated and expressed effectively you will have the skills you need no matter what challenges arise. 

The quality of your life both personally and professionally will be transformed as you become more mindful and self-compassionate.” 

About Ciaran

Ciaran is the Co-Director of The Positive Habit, one of Ireland’s foremost wellness organisations. He has completed Eckhart Tolle’s ‘Teacher of Presence’ training and holds a Professional Certificate in the Therapeutic Use of Mindfulness from the Institute of Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy. Other trainings include the Mindfulness Stress Reduction Course (MBSR, Jon Kabat-Zinn) and online trainings with Tara Brach and Jack Cornfield in mindfulness. He has also been coached by Fiona Brennan in the range of therapeutic techniques she deploys. Ciaran has an honours degree in history from the University of Aberdeen.

Ciaran has previously held a number of positions within the local government sector.  He also worked part-time in a voluntary capacity with St Vincent de Paul for three years which gave him a particular insight into the psychology of disadvantage and allowed him to develop his listening skills in a compassionate and non-judgemental way.

Ciaran has been meditating and practising mindfulness for more than ten years and has led both sitting and walking meditations on our retreats. He transmutes a calm and present awareness to every client.

Fiona Brennan Ciaran Hyde Garden

“I have been on a journey of self-discovery in the last twelve years and learned how to become aware of my feelings so that I no longer react to situations with suppressed anger.  I am a calmer person and much more accepting, tolerant and patient with both myself and those I love. I can catch negative thoughts when they arise and feel so much more at ease in myself.  I have also been able to make big decisions in my life without fear.  For example, in 2021 I left my full-time, pensionable, public service job to help build The Positive Habit into the brand it is today. I am aware that I make mistakes, we all do, however, I now see these as opportunities to learn and I don’t beat myself up about them. I am dedicated to helping others do the same.” 

Working with me on a one-to-one basis will help you to become calmer, more self-aware, more present and empower you with the inner resources to deal effectively with life’s challenges.

Following a free discovery call, I offer a package of three initial coaching sessions tailored to your needs. After this we will evaluate your progress together and decide if more sessions are necessary.

This ensures that this positive habit mindset coaching is right for you.

I have an open and friendly disposition that provides clients with a safe place to reflect and take steps to make the changes in their lives they wish to. I operate a friendly, professional clinic that guarantees confidentiality.

Please note that I only work with clients who are 18 years old or above and all sessions are currently online. Alternatively, ‘walk and talk’ sessions can be facilitated in Blackrock/Dun Laoghaire (weather dependent – if inclement the session will be done online).

How do the Sessions Work?

Each session is 60 minutes and currently takes place online or as a ‘walk and talk’ session. You choose what suits you best. Some clients opt to have the initial session in person as a walk-and-talk and then to have a hybrid of online and in-person (walk and talk). It is entirely up to you.

Sessions are spaced two weeks apart to give you time to reflect, do the homework outlined and also make it more practical from a financial and time perspective.

Outdoor Benefits

Research shows movement stimulates greater blood flow to the brain and this has been shown to heighten mood, creativity, self-awareness and emotional stability.

Being in nature is incredibly beneficial for your mental and emotional well-being. As you are walking the added component of nature helps clarity to emerge for both coach and client.

Online Benefits

Since COVID-19 many people now prefer to save time and money by opting for virtual meetings. Our brains are adapting to forming communication in this way and conversations flow with ease.  According to Forbes, research shows that online coaching is just as effective as in-person. For it to be successful please ensure you have a reliable internet connection, that you will not be disturbed and that you feel free to speak openly.

During and between the sessions, you will be asked to engage with breathwork, meditative and mindfulness tools, and to undertake self-reflective journaling work which are paramount to your success.

Before your first session, you will complete the Client Mindfulness Coaching Contract which will be sent to you either after your Discovery Call or when you book a session.

By providing this information you are helping both yourself and Ciaran maximise the success of your coaching.

Each 60-minute session has a specific goal and in between sessions, you will be emailed your tailored homework.  

This may include:

A short tailored meditation audio (recorded at the time of the session) 

  • Breathing protocols 
  • Affirmations 
  • Self-reflective journaling exercises
  • Accountability for any new habits

All of the above are to ensure the positive shift you deserve is implemented and reinforced.

The Three Initial Sessions

Session One Explore & Accept

In this session, you can ensure the coaching meets your needs and expectations.  I will also assess if you are ready to make the change and to commit to the conscious effort involved to ensure the its success.  

This session will give you the tools to establish a daily mediation mindfulness session which is key to any progress being made. I will then help you to clarify the key areas (sleep, nutrition, exercise, relationships) you need to improve in order to feel calmer and to manage stress and anxiety. We will explore what could have blocked your progress to date.  

After the first session there will be a break for approximately 2 weeks. During this period you will:

  • Listen to your tailored meditation session each night 
  • Work on the principle of self-acceptance & compassion
  • Complete reflective journaling exercises 
  • Repeat affirmations
  • Practise breathing protocols to calm your nervous system. 

A full list of your exercises will be emailed to you along with your meditation audio file after each session. 

Session Two – Release & Understand

Having identified, in your first session, what you need to change and having grasped what could be holding you back, it is time to start to let it go. Letting go is a life-long process of understanding and learning about ourselves. During this session Ciaran will guide you to gently accept that you are ready to let go of past hurts and regrets and embrace a life of joy and health. 

The session will focus on replacing self-criticism with compassion in order to fully cleanse and clear the blocks to feeling calm, loving yourself, and feeling empowered and positive. It is important to note that positive shifts cannot come from pressure. 

Break for 2 weeks: 

During this period you will:

  • Listen to your NEW tailored meditation session each day
  • Work on letting go of past hurts & understanding yourself with more patience
  • Complete reflective journaling exercises 
  • Repeat affirmations
  • Practise breathing protocols to calm your nervous system. 

Session Three – Embrace & Energise

The third session is about being accountable and embracing the responsibility you have towards yourself to continue to care for your mind and body with patience and love. You will create the positive energy you need to move forward by visualizing yourself 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months from now having maintained your new positive habit of transforming whatever was holidng you back into calmness and confidence.  

Together we willl also plan a  practical strategy to go forward.

And there’s more…

Included in your coaching package you will have:

  • Email contact with Ciaran whenever you need to clarify or ask a question
  • Tailored meditation sessions emailed to you after each session
  • Regular accountability check-ins for up to 12 months after your coaching.

This program is suited for individuals who are determined, committed, action-oriented and above all, ready to make a positive change. 

Your Investment

This plan is highly cost-effective and is designed to save you both time and money. 

Your investment is: €120.00 per session.

Each session is paid for at the time of booking & is subject to the cancellation policy.* 

You are under no obligation to attend all three sessions, the first session is to explore and ensure that the positive mindset coaching meets your needs. 

The three sessions are spaced approximately 2 weeks apart.

Further maintenance sessions can be organised to ensure continued progress.

All  appointments are currently being held online. Please ensure you have a quiet and private space.  

Sleep Well, Release Anxiety & Feel Powerful

The Positive Habit Mindset Coaching