The Positive Habit Weekly Blog – 21st May, 2018 – Surrender to What Is
Dear Positive Habit People,
I hope as you read this you are fully present and give it your full attention.
“The secret of health for both body and mind is not to mourn the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live wisely and earnestly for the present.”
These are not my words, they are the Buddha’s but a lot of The Positive Habit online program focus on the ability to be present.
I am currently doing a series of free videos on mindfulness as part of my Positive Habit weekly video content and I encourage you to follow them for the coming weeks as they will form the central part of this blog. In this week’s video I look at how mindfulness can lead to happiness even if it is not so easy for us to actually be mindful. I also touch on why being present is the springboard to self-generating positive emotions and how to cope with moments when we are challenged. In short, we need to learn to surrender to what is on our pathway to enlightenment.
Please do, as always, send me your feedback and questions; I am always happy to engage.
I’m happy to report that these videos are really helping people so please do share with anyone you feel may benefit from some extra love and care.
The Positive Habit – Anxiety-Free, Stress-Free – Week 16
Surrender to What Is
Relax NOW Naturally: Easy Practices That Bring You Sanity, Calm and Less Stress in Minutes.
Relaxing the mind and body and finding true peace of mind as well as calmness in our hearts is so important for healing.
I’m participating in this and I’m excited to be able to invite you to join me and 20 other experts from all over the world for FREE!
In these interviews, you will:
Breath easily & feel yourself relax immediately
Be taken on a guided meditation
Use 5 Steps every day for inner focusing
Only you can say I AM
Speak like a Buddha
And much, much more…..
Just click here to claim your FREE spot in Relax NOW Naturally!
Social Anxiety affects 16.8% of Irish people. Social media is a place where people judge and compare themselves to others.
The Positive Habit self-therapy program builds true inner confidence and helps people to feel calm in any social situation whether at work or with friends.
This program helps people to face the world, both virtual and physical, with true self-belief. It costs €99.95 – a small investment in time and money given the true benefits it delivers.
Please take the Anxiety Test
To register for a 30-day, risk free, trial please click below. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee – 6 Months Access.
If you are in financial difficulties then please consider the bursary scheme. Our goal to help as many people as we can to feel calm,confident and in control.