Fiona Brennan on A Lust for Life – Epigenetics
In addition to the wonders that neuroscience has contributed to illustrate human kind’s ability to choose how we wish to think, feel and behave, there is also a growing body of scientific research into the area of epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of genes and the word “epi” comes from Greek, meaning “above”, so in this case, a force that is above our genes.
This science shows that our genes are NOT pre-determined but are, in fact, formed by external or environmental factors such as diet, stress and our connection to others. Bruce Lipton, a leading celluar biologist and author of ‘The Biology of Belief’, has uncovered incredible evidence to show that our beliefs literally create our reality at a celluar level. Lipton says that: ”Belief controls biology”. He also states that simply being told to ‘think positive’ does not work as most of our brain power is actually subconscious. Read more…