Positive Eating Habits for Emotional Wellbeing with Nutritional Therapist, Elsa Jones 

Elsa Jones - Building Emotional Resilience Series

Transform Emotional Eating into Positive Feelings

  • Discover the foods that boost your mood and avoid the ones that feed anxiety
  • Feel confident about yourself and your relationship with food 

  • Learn how to self-soothe rather than comfort eat 

  • Why loving yourself as you are is at the heart of sustainable changes in your diet and overall health

  • Learn the physical signs that indicate the difference between emotional eating and genuine hunger 

Many people eat to relieve negative emotions like anxiety or sadness. Research shows the prevalence of comfort eating ranges from 15–46% in non-clinical examples and from 47–71% in people with obesity or eating disorders. 

 Elsa Jones is a qualified Nutritional Therapist and author of the best-selling book ‘Goodbye Sugar’. As a nutritional consultant, Elsa tailor-makes nutrition plans for clients based on their health needs and goals. She specialises in motivational weight management, helping clients change their mindset around food and break unhealthy eating patterns.

Many people, both men and women, have subconsciously taught themselves to use food to comfort themselves whenever difficult emotions arise.  This behaviour is a universal, understandable yet very unhelpful tactic to avoid uncomfortable feelings. 

Your donation is much appreciated. Please note the event has now finished but you can register to watch the playback.

Emotional eating leads to an unfortunate cycle of eating to avoid an emotion – feeling bad for eating – eating to avoid feeling bad for eating.

Emotional eating leads to an unfortunate cycle of eating to avoid an emotion – feeling bad for eating – eating to avoid feeling bad for eating.

I have seen many beautiful clients over the years fall into this negative pattern and it is heartbreaking to watch.  

One client was eating between five and ten chocolate bars every day. She would hide the evidence from her family and felt so ashamed of her behaviour. The more ashamed she felt the more she ate and continued to eat in secret.  It was only when, through my help and guidance, that she began to face the feelings she had been avoiding in the first place that she was finally able to break the habit. For the first time, she saw clearly that there is no comfort in comfort eating.  She began to replace mindfulness and walks in nature as a real way to soothe her soul. 

In this month’s Building Emotional Resilience Webcast I am delighted to be joined by Elsa Jones, Nutritional Therapist and expert in the area of emotional eating. We have worked together in the past and Elsa is a special soul who really understands the plight many people suffer and has a wealth of knowledge on the foods we should be eating to lift our moods and also offers very practical tips on how to tell the difference between eating for comfort and eating out of hunger.

The Positive Habit community is a safe and compassionate space where you can connect with others and learn that you are not alone. 

Best of all… 

The Building Emotional Resilience Webcast Series is offered to the public for *FREE. The Positive Habit team is on a mission to help as many people to sleep peacefully, release anxiety and feel powerful. Positive mental health needs to be freely available for everyone and not just those who can afford private consultations.  

*We greatly appreciate donations. If you are in a position to donate please do as your support helps us to continue to offer these life-changing webinars.


Previous Attendees Say

“My life and the way I appreciate things has changed forever. Thank you so much.”

“Had a few light bulb moments.”

“Thank you so much, Ryan, Fiona & the wonderful calm Ciaran for an amazing and thought-provoking webinar.”

“Thank you (yet again) for a wonderful session. Wonderful words. Every day is a school day.”

“Incredibly helpful.”

“Wonderful and worthwhile!”

“Fantastic will definitely rewatch this – very useful.”

“Thanks so much for the chance to watch this back-it’s helped me so v.much -I can’t express just how v.much appreciated this is/how grateful I am.”

Your donation is much appreciated. Please note the event has now finished but you can register to watch the playback.

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