Optimise Your Sleep, Balance Your Emotions with Tom Coleman, Sleep Expert.

Tom Coleman - Building Emotional Resilience - The Positive Habit

Discover The Latest Scientific Sleep Protocols. 

 Would you like to:

  • live a longer and healthier life? 
  • feel calmer?
  • regulate and balance your emotions? 
  • improve focus
  • increase your motivation? 

      Sleep – is THE foundation of positive mental health. 

      In this 60-minute webcast you will learn:

      • How to practise the ultimate act of self-care and enjoy a full eight hours sound sleep each night. 
      • How to get to sleep easily and get back to sleep quickly if you wake. 

      Research on more than thirteen thousand people shows that almost eighty per cent of people in Ireland are sleep-deprived. 

      62% of adults around the world say they don’t sleep as well as they’d like.

      I’ve met many clients over the years who had tried years of therapy to no avail.  They continued to struggle with balancing their emotions while coping with their responsibilities.  No matter what they tried or how committed they were to feeling better they kept hitting walls. 

      The very first thing I do when I meet a new client is to ask them about their sleep. If it is poor, I develop a scientifically proven strategy to help get them into balance before we can begin to explore the deeper issues. 

      If you are someone who finds sleep a struggle you may not realise that there are a range of healthy, natural protocols that you can practise to optimise your sleep. Hypnotherapy is one of the most powerful and effective tools that helps you to change how you feel as you drift into sleep. None of the tools we will explore require you to resort to medication – that can actually impair your night’s sleep. 

      When my clients start to sleep better they often feel like a different person and are finally ready to take on the world. All the pieces of their lives  start to fall into place. They feel calmer and more balanced, they stick to a good exercise plan and they focus at work and flourish in their relationships. 

      The Positive Habit is so thrilled to have Tom Coleman as our next guest to help YOU sleep peacefully. 

      Tom Coleman is Ireland’s leading sleep expert and is committed to getting the nation sleeping better. He helps people overcome sometimes years of poor sleep through a full range of services that fit into their busy lives. Tom says:

      “I’m a passionate advocate for health and I help people transform their lives and their sleep through proven evidence-base science.The reason for this approach is that the techniques I teach are based on our biology rather than psychology. That means they work whether you believe them or not. I take real life situations, explain what’s happening and create a clear pathway for change.”

      Tom is in demand as a key-note speaker and also offers packages for a variety of needs. All of his coaching sessions are flexible and fully customizable depending on the circumstances and experiences of each specific client.

      Discover The Latest Scientific Sleep Protocols. 

       Would you like to:

      • live a longer and healthier life? 
      • feel calmer?
      • regulate and balance your emotions? 
      • improve focus
      • increase your motivation? 

          Sleep – is THE foundation of positive mental health. 

          In this 60-minute webcast you will learn:

          • How to practise the ultimate act of self-care and enjoy a full eight hours sound sleep each night. 
          • How to get to sleep easily and get back to sleep quickly if you wake. 

          Research on more than thirteen thousand people shows that almost eighty per cent of people in Ireland are sleep-deprived. 

          62% of adults around the world say they don’t sleep as well as they’d like.

          Your donation is much appreciated. Please note the event has now finished but you can register to watch the playback.

          The Positive Habit community is a safe and compassionate space where you can connect with others and learn that you are not alone. 

          Best of all… 

          The Building Emotional Resilience Webcast Series is offered to the public for *FREE. The Positive Habit team is on a mission to help as many people to sleep peacefully, release anxiety and feel powerful. Positive mental health needs to be freely available for everyone and not just those who can afford private consultations.  

          *We greatly appreciate donations. If you are in a position to donate please do as your support helps us to continue to offer these life-changing webinars.


          Previous Attendees Say

          “My life and the way I appreciate things has changed forever. Thank you so much.”

          “Had a few light bulb moments.”

          “Thank you so much, Ryan, Fiona & the wonderful calm Ciaran for an amazing and thought-provoking webinar.”

          “Thank you (yet again) for a wonderful session. Wonderful words. Every day is a school day.”

          “Incredibly helpful.”

          “Wonderful and worthwhile!”

          “Fantastic will definitely rewatch this – very useful.”

          “Thanks so much for the chance to watch this back-it’s helped me so v.much -I can’t express just how v.much appreciated this is/how grateful I am.”

          Your donation is much appreciated. Please note the event has now finished but you can register to watch the playback.
