This programme is unique in that it changes the way you think while you sleep; most people report feeling better within days of listening to the powerful, positive programming, audio MP3s.
The course is designed to deliver maximum results while making it as easy and accessible for you as possible.
The course works on all devices to enable you to maximise your opportunities to use it effectively.
It is fully private & confidential; you have your own unique login; can revisit results of quizzes & questionnaires.
YOU monitor your own progress and can visibly see how you are feeling (via the Positive Feelings Surveys) after you complete each pathway.
The course is based on six “pathways” that represent neural pathways in your brain; Discovery, Love, Care, Happiness, Compassion and Success. Each week you effortlessly focus on carving out these positive pathways in your brain by completing the exercises and listening to the MP3s.