29 May - 2 June 2023
Carcassonne, France
All Inclusive
11 Guests

Exclusive Therapeutic Wellness Holiday

with Clinical Hypnotherapist Fiona Brennan in the South of France

Fiona Brennan Ciaran Hyde Garden

Fiona and Ciaran held an intimate, bespoke, unique, therapeutic holiday in the almost undiscovered gem of Occitania (formerly Languedoc-Roussillon Region) in the sunny South of France from 29th May to 2nd June, 2023. 

Located in an oasis of calm in the lush vinyards just outside Carcassonne guests enjoyed some of France’s best cuisine, a rich medieval history, amazing architecture just minutes from the peace and calm of the Domaine de Cantalauze, a real, working Vignoble (vinyard).

      More about the Retreat

      Light Up Magnifique was more than  a few days of pampering or a retreat from life –  it was a life-changing experience that provided guests with life-long tools, a supportive community, self-knowledge and above all self-belief.

      The group therapy sessions were a highlight of the experience. Guided under Fiona’s supervision guests explored what was specifically holding them back and were provided with the practical steps to help them start to move forward. 

      The yoga and meditation sessions helped guests to release and to rejuvenate energy. The downtime each afternoon was for them to connect to themselves, to reflect and to rest. The excursion and evening dinners were all about fun and connection. 

      Fiona practises all that she preaches and shared with guests her private insights into how to manage anxiety and fears when they arise. 

      29 May - 2 June
      Carcassonne, France
      All Inclusive