Reminder- 6 Days Left for the Positive Habit Early Bird Offer

positive habit early bird offerThis is a gentle reminder to you if you are considering following the Positive Habit Programme to pre-register in the next six days so that you avail of the Early Bird price.

I am delighted to let you know that every day many people are pre-registering for the programme.
If you would like also to avail of this offer please go directly to and pre-register before Midnight on Sunday May 29th.

The course is a synthesis of the work that I do and help people to let go of stress, anxiety, to make healthy choices and to reach their full potential.  Summer is a great time to embrace positivity and the course is only six weeks long.

The programme is designed to empower the user to develop the habit of positivity on both a conscious and subconscious level.  The reading, exercises and videos work on a conscious level and the MP3s work on a subconscious level and reinforce the main idea of each week.

Full details and a preview can be seen on

I would also really appreciate it if you would spread the word with family and friends who might benefit from this programme. It could be the very thing that they need this summer.
positive habit early bird offer

The Positive Habit on A Lust for Life

The Positive Habit on A Lust for Life 11th May, 2016 – The Positive Habit on A Lust for Life. Three lucky “A Lust for Life” readers can gain free access to the powerful self-help programme that is The Positive Habit.

Devised by Clinical Hypnotherapist, Fiona Brennan, The Positive Habit is a six week work -out for your mental health.  This self-help digital program is designed for the person on the go as it is user friendly, interactive, beautifully visual and accessible on all devices so that you can bring the habit of positivity with you no matter where you are.  Read more here… The 

The Positive Habit on A Lust for Life

Positive Pause – 26th October 2015 – Calm Down Quickly

stress dial

This week,  if you feel stressed by too many demands at work, or if something is not going the way you intended, or you simply feel worn out or drained then use this this simple but incredibly effective technique to calm down quickly, recover your mental well-being and return to a place of inner calm and peace.

  1. Sit down somewhere where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  3. Check in with how stressed/anxious you feel on a scale of 0-10 with 10 being the highest and 0 the lowest.
  4. Imagine a dial with the numbers 0-10 in front of you.
  5. Start at the number of how high your unwanted negative emotion is – if it is 10 start there, if it is 7-8 or even a 4-5 then start there.
  6. Take a deep breath in and as you do this imagine breathing in a sense of calm.  You can give this a light colour. When you reach the top of the breath hold it and scan your body for the stress and tension you are feeling.  Slowly start to exhale while imagining a dark colour slowly leaving your body and releasing the tension.
  7. Continue this and work your way down to 0 while visualising the numbers going down with each inhalation and exhalation.
  8. Open your eyes and notice how much calmer you are than when you first started the exercise.

Many people turn to unhealthy habits such as smoking or comfort eating when they feel stressed or anxious but these habits often compound the problem. By using techniques such as the  anxiety/stress dial outlined above you are taking a responsible role in your ability to self-soothe.