How Positive are You?

Take this positive feelings survey and see how positively programmed you really are!  The results will help you to decide if you need hypnotherapy for anxiety or unwanted negativity.

Please answer as quickly as you can without analysing your response.  Trust your first gut instinct to reflect your true feelings.

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Positive Pause – 3rd August 2015 – Workout for Mental Health

brain workout

It is easy to forget the importance of maintaining mental well-being and how it needs consistent TLC. Think of mental health in a similar way to physical health and you begin to get the idea; we don’t generally go to the gym, go running, do bikram yoga, get really fit and then sit back on our sofas eating fast food and expect to maintain a fit and healthy body.  Once we have reached our optimum level of fitness we need to maintain it.  It is useful to think of your mind as a muscle; once it has reached a level of health and fitness  it needs consistent maintenance.  Your mind is like the motor of a Ferrari – full of incredible power when it is looked after properly, but left uncared for, it becomes rusty and eventually stops working.

This week, pause for a moment and consider what you do to maintain your mental well-being.  A five minute meditation, a walk in the park, a good chat with a friend are all simple yet very effective ways of looking after your mental well-being and creating a  positive and optimistic mindset.

Positive Pause 9th March, 2015 – Thinking outside yourself.

Thinking outside yourself.

As the evenings are becoming brighter, if you find the opportunity to go for a walk one evening this week, take it! A gentle, solitary stroll where you focus all of your attention outside yourself on what you can see, hear and smell is a good mental workout to calm a busy mind after a stressful or long day. By choosing to use your focus in this way, you will be open to a general sense of calm and well-being.  You may even allow yourself to experience the wonder of hearing the birds sing at twilight.