The Positive Habit Weekly Blog – 19th March, 2018 – Sans Souci – Without Worries
Dear Positive Habit People,
Happy Bank Holiday Monday! I hope you make time for some fun and laughter today.
Last Monday morning I was in Berlin having had a great weekend of fun and frolics with my sister, who as regular readers will know, lives there. Some people are like a ray of sunshine or a disco ball of love and light and my sister and her husband are definitely that for me. Going to Berlin always makes me feel about 12 years old again and I love the feelings of freedom that these trips engender. On the Sunday it was beautifully sunny and an unseasonable 17 degrees so we visited ‘Sans Souci’ in Potsdam, just outside Berlin. This is the famous summer palace of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia (1740-1786).
Sans Souci was Frederick’s playground where he invited many guests, including Voltaire, to lavish parties. The essence of the palace captured the fun I felt that day and the next so in the spirit of San Souci I went for a run wearing my very attractive fleecy pajamas, you know the type I mean! My sister assured me that this was a ‘cool’ outfit in Berlin and that nobody would bat an eyelid. Wow – it was liberating! Still wearing my fleecy pink pajamas I slid down some fantastic slides in the park beside their apartment and let my inner child fully out to play.
This week, especially today since it is a holiday, embrace the lighter side of life. Recall that when you were a child the main focus of the day was to play and to have fun. As adults we still need to do this, but we often take our worries with us unlike Frederick the Great who created a space in his life far away from war and his autocratic father. Carve this time and space into your life where you can leave responsibility behind and let out your inner child. You don’t have to go for a run in your pyjamas, but do find a time and place to be free from worry and stress.
Travel inspires me and Ryanair is to me what Sans Souci palace was once to Frederick the great.
See below my latest video: The Positive Habit, Stress-Free, Anxiety-Free, Week Seven – Change your relationship to anxiety and stress from pressure to compassion.
I’m really happy to report that these videos are helping people so please do share them with anyone you feel may benefit from some extra love and care.
The Positive Habit – Anxiety Free, Stress Free – Week 7- Tips & Dealing with Anxiety and Stress
Change Your relationship to anxiety from pressure to compassion
Social Anxiety affects 16.8% of Irish people. Social media is a place where people judge and compare themselves to others.
The Positive Habit self-therapy program builds true inner confidence and helps people to feel calm in any social situation whether at work or with friends.
This program helps people to face the world, both virtual and physical, with true self-belief. It takes 66 days and costs €99.95 – a small investment in time and money given the true benefits it delivers.
Please take the Anxiety Test
To register for a 30-day, risk free, trial please click below. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee – 6 Months Access.
If you are in financial difficulties then please consider the bursary scheme. Our goal to help as many people as we can to feel calm,confident and in control.