Positive Pause – 22nd August, 2016 – At Least
I believe in the phrase “ at least ”.
We were in the car on our way to stay in a remote holiday home in the Catalonian countryside when we realised that we had been so busy living “in the moment” we had forgotten to bring adequate provisions for dinner; we had ‘some’ food but not really enough. My optimistically programmed husband said, “at least we have some eggs.” How true! “At least” is a phrase that we could all probably do with using more often. It is in an indirect way of being grateful for what we do have rather than being concerned with what we don’t.
This week, if you find yourself complaining about some less than satisfactory aspect of your life, or if you have made a small mistake, or if you have forgotten something, please try using the phrase “at least” You will quickly realise that you have ‘more’ than you may realise and there is nothing “at least” about it. By focussing on the positive aspect of any situation you send a message to your subconscious that will enable you to gain greater joy, happiness and peace.