The Positive Habit Weekly Blog – 16th October, 2017 – Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

The Positive Habit Weekly Blog - 16th October, 2017 - Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Welcome if you are one of the many new subscribers. I am so pleased to have you here and of course, I am so grateful to all of my loyal, long-term readers.  The purpose of this blog is to help you to get into a positive frame of mind at the beginning of the week in order that you can become the fullest expression of yourself. I provide you with some personal insights from my life that I hope by sharing will help you to flourish in your own life.  By taking the time to read this you are giving yourself an opportunity to program your brain to go beyond survival mode and into a state where you are thriving.

On Thursday in the green room of the Civic Theatre where I was giving my TEDx talk, the atmosphere was thick with excitement and nerves. The two are close cousins and when they get confused it can create unwanted fears of stage fright and produce physical symptoms in the body such as a shaky voice, dry throat, and excessive sweating – not exactly the ingredients one wants to experience before or during a presentation!

The group of selected speakers came from all walks of life, from tech geniuses to entrepreneurs, and it was an honor for me to meet them all and to be a part of it.  One speaker openly said he was feeling pretty nervous, but the quote that had got him through the evening was: “Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable.”  I really liked this because rang true.  Think back to a time in your life when you challenged yourself on a personal or professional level; it may have been a tricky conversation you had with a loved one or you had applied for a promotion or, like us, you were giving a presentation. No doubt you had butterflies in your stomach? Whatever it may have been, the very act of stepping outside your comfort zone involves entering into the realms of discomfort. When you take it a step further and accept the discomfort/nerves/anxiety then you are already moving back to being comfortable but you have also learned and grown along the way. Mark Zuckerburg (CEO and creator of Facebook) once said:

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking any risks.”

The essence of the concept of neuroplasticity is that the brain learns from novelty and new experiences. So the next time you are asked to do something that brings up even the slightest feelings of discomfort or challenge, stop, take a few deep breaths and assess if the discomfort is based on fear. If so, perhaps it is time to embrace this feeling and rather than turning away from it turn towards it with courage and realise your full potential.

This week and every week, seize every opportunity the universe presents you with. When you become comfortable being uncomfortable anything is possible. 

I was very moved by the way all of the speakers handled their nerves, rose to the occasion and went on to deliver inspirational talks. The title of my talk is: ‘Your subconscious Power, Learn to Parent Yourself ‘ and I will post the video once it goes live.

World Mental Health Day was last Tuesday, October 10th.

If you missed my interview about neuroplasticity with Pat Kenny on Tuesday you can see it here (click on image below)

get comfortable being uncomfortable

I am delighted to be speaking at the Connect 17 Showcase in the RDS this Wednesday 18th October.  Full details can be found here:

get comfortable being uncomfortable

The Positive Habit continues to help people all over the world.

To celebrate World Mental Health Day we are offering 20% OFF The Positive Habit program.
Insert discount code WHO at checkout and pay only €79.95 for this world-class, self-help program.  Please note that the offer ends at midnight TONIGHT!

get comfortable being uncomfortable

Fiona Brennan & The Positive Habit on Logo18th May 2016 – Fiona Brennan on hypnotherapy and her new online six week digital programme, The Positive Habit on (Irish Daily Mail).

Having treated hundreds of patients from around Ireland, Fiona has now developed a first-of-its-kind course that allows people to hypnotise themselves into healthier lifestyles…The six-week program includes tutorial videos, simple exercises and corresponding self-hypnosis MP3s which work on a subconscious level.

Fiona explains that the method is based on cutting edge neuroscientific research that demonstrates that the brain can be trained through the power of imagination and thought; it is flexible and malleable.  This concept is called neuroplasticity.

For more information on the The Positive Habit: Six Pathways to Positivity, Digital Self-Help Programme visit here.

Positive Pause – 18th January 2015 – Neuroplasticity: Your Flexible Brain

Neuroplasticiy - neural pathways

Imagine you lived in a world where from a young age you were taught to look after your mental well-being by using a  daily routine similar to the way  you  brush your teeth everyday.  This daily practice would ensure that your mind did not rot and cause you pain. Emotional pain is one of the most difficult for the human mind and body to endure. The unattended mind is, in essence, no different to your teeth. If ignored it has the potential to allow negativity to take over and to rot away the true essence of who you are. Neuroplasticity

When we are young children we lose our baby teeth but are given the opportunity to start again with a second set of teeth. Thanks to research in the last twelve to fifteen years we now know that our brains are also given second, third and countless chances to start again.  In essence, our neural synapses and pathways are malleable and flexible which means we are not stuck with our conditioning.  This is the concept of neuroplasticity. We can train our minds to be consistently positive and open and by doing so, can literally shape our brains with our thoughts which, as a result, will change the chemical composition in our brains creating dopamine and serotonin, both of which make us feel and relaxed and happy.

Our teeth grow back stronger and more resilient as adult teeth and when they are cared for they can last a lifetime and even shine brightly. Your mind can also work for you in this way if you care for it properly.

This week choose to focus on caring for your mind with daily positive affirmations that will literally change your brain.