A Lust for Life – August 2018 – Gratitude Attitude
Gratitude deserves our attention. Without gratitude for what we have, it is virtually impossible to truly cultivate peace of mind, contentment and happiness…read more
Gratitude deserves our attention. Without gratitude for what we have, it is virtually impossible to truly cultivate peace of mind, contentment and happiness…read more
Googling self care will usually result in more bubble baths and ice cream than practical advice for when you are in a crisis. But introducing small self care habits into your day can go a long way to safeguarding your mental health in the long term, as well as supporting you in times of trouble…read more
Social anxiety affects an estimated 16.8% of Irish people according to Social Anxiety Ireland. In my work, I see many clients who suffer from social anxiety. Often they appear to be ‘on the outside’, the most confident of people – yet they are crippled with the fear of ‘What will other people think?’
It is one of the most common phrases that I hear from all ages young to old, men and women. It could be a businesswoman with her own family, or a young guy just starting out in life. The outwardly confident clients that seem to have it all and by all accounts are ‘successful’ in the material world, in their work and social status can be crumbling behind the façade of a fake confidence. That is not to say you have to be seen as successful to experience social anxiety, but only to illustrate how it can affect even those we believe to be uber-confident….read more
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” – Marcus Aurelius
What does it mean to be content? What does it truly mean to you? Like many words connected to emotions and feelings, these can be interpreted in different ways; semantics plays a significant role in how we feel about ourselves and this affects our relationships. There are an estimated 7.347 billion people in the world and we all see the world in different ways. Our perceptions of ideas like ‘contentment’ may differ greatly. So take a moment to think of what ‘contentment’ means to you…read more
Out of the fog of the silly season and New Year’s Eve, many of us ‘resolve’ to make New Year’s Goals that will really bring us success and happiness. We jump from one extreme to the other and from too much food and drink we decide to become vegan and run a marathon to make up for all the excess over the last few weeks!…read more
“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.” – Eckhart Tolle
Why is feeling safe so important?
Feeling safe is fundamental to our well-being. It’s primary, it’s primal and is the springboard from which we can create the life we deserve to live. When we are fully present we can enjoy a wonderful balm of comfort that comes with a deep sense of moment-to-moment awareness and an overall sense of calm..read more