The Positive Habit on

Positive Habit on Her.ieSophie White ( writes about The Positive Habit in “The Pursuit of Happiness: Can Self-Hypnosis Make Us More Content?”  Sophie has signed up to the course as “an experiment in happiness training” and will be reporting back on her progress.  Click here to read her article. Positive Habit on

Clinical Hypnotherapist, Fiona Brennan has devised The Positive Habit, a six week work-out for your mental health.  This self-help digital programme is designed for the person on the go Positive Habit on Her.ieas it is user friendly, interactive, beautifully visual and accessible on all devices so that you can bring the habit of positivity with you no matter where you are.

If you want to get fit, lose weight, stop smoking, improve your diet, let go of unwanted negativity or anxiety,  have closer relationships or perform better at work then this programme will help you to do just that.

When you have established the positive habit you are much more likely to make healthier choices and to gain the confidence to perform at your optimum level.

The Positive Habit is an empowering and highly practical guide that puts you in charge of your well-being and teaches you to become the master of your own mind. Based on the Positive Psychology movement and cutting edge neuroscience the programme  enables you to develop a positive mind-set that will help you to achieve whatever you desire without pressure and from a place of inner calm.

To preview and sign up to the Positive Habit and avail of the early bird offer please click here

Positive Habit on

Fiona Brennan on A Lust for Life – Epigenetics

Epigenetics - A Lust for Life logoIn addition to the wonders that neuroscience has contributed to illustrate human kind’s ability to choose how we wish to think, feel and behave, there is also a growing body of scientific research into the area of epigenetics.  Epigenetics is the study of genes and the word “epi” comes from Greek, meaning  “above”, so in this case, a force that is above our genes.

This science shows that our genes are NOT pre-determined but are, in fact, formed by external or environmental factors such as diet, stress and our connection to others. Bruce Lipton, a leading celluar biologist and author of ‘The Biology of Belief’, has uncovered incredible evidence to show that our beliefs literally create our reality at a celluar level.  Lipton says that: ”Belief controls biology”.  He also states that simply being told to ‘think positive’ does not work as most of our brain power is actually subconscious.  Read more…

Positive Pause – 7th March 2016 – Thinking Outside Yourself

Large sunflower - think outside yourselfAs the evenings are becoming brighter, if you find the opportunity to go for a walk one evening this week, take it! A gentle, solitary stroll where you focus all of your attention outside yourself on what you can see, hear and smell is a good mental workout to calm a busy mind after a stressful or long day. By choosing to use your focus in this way, you will be open to a general sense of calm and well-being.  You may even allow yourself to experience the wonder of hearing the birds sing at twilight. Thinking outside youself

How Positive are You?

Take this positive feelings survey and see how positively programmed you really are!  The results will help you to decide if you need hypnotherapy for anxiety or unwanted negativity.

Please answer as quickly as you can without analysing your response.  Trust your first gut instinct to reflect your true feelings.

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Positive Pause – 28th December 2015 – Embrace January!

embrace januaryEmbrace January!

As the dawn of 2016 rises this January 1st, many of us will be shaking off the excess of New Year’s Eve celebrations and the many Christmas parties. This is the time of year when traditionally we begin to expect a lot of ourselves to make changes in our lives.

From this expectation comes pressure and from pressure comes stress and from stress comes nothing but exhaustion and an excess of cortical in your system. The cortisol leaves you drained and decreases your immune system. When we are stressed we are evidently not in a position to create positive change.

This January, take away all the pressure to change, to set goals, to make New Year’s resolutions. When we take the pressure off ourselves we actually achieve more.  You don’t need to change, if you wish to embrace change, find the part of you that already knows how to do this effortlessly and easily. For example, if this year you have set yourself a goal of  getting properly fit, think back to similar positive changes you have made in the past. Imagine yourself already fit, toned and full of energy. Your subconscious will start to manifest the changes from your thoughts and feelings so that, before you know it, you will find yourself going for a run and wanting to do this without any sense of pressure or reliance on will-power.

The power of your imagination is limitless; by tricking your body into already feeling the rewards of being fit, of getting the a new job, of meeting the love of your life, then you will start to create the chemical in your brain that attracts that into your life.

Make 2016 a year of no pressure and an abundance of success in every way.  Embrace January! Embrace positivity!